pspc.conf - Configuration file for Pascal Server Pages binary interpreter (pspc(1)).
PSPC uses a configuration file called pspc.config. This configuration file is searched for in the following places:
Section PSP - Main section of PSP configuration
EnableDebug = Specifies if Debug is enabled, by default is false. If you don't have compiled compiled PSP with support for it this parameter will be ignored, and can be removed.
LoadParams = Specifies if the parameters in the Query_String will be converteds to the standard Request variable format.
DefaultHeader = Specifies the Default Header to print for PSP documents, by default is "Content-Type: text/html".
EnabledHexadecimalTraduction = traps hexadecimal characters link "%FC" and converts it to the ASCII format "ΓΌ".
Under Linux this function doesn't work properly. Under Win32 the default value is 1, true, and under Linux (due to a bug) is 0, false.
Section Libraries - Libraries to Load
StdLibs - Load the Standard Libraries.
MySQLLibs - Load the MySQL Libraries.
ExtraLibs - Load Extra Libraries.
PSPCoreSupport - Load PSP API.
Section SCX - Section of Pascal Server Components
EnableSCX - EnabledSCX specifies if SCX is enabled. If you don't have compiled PSP with support for SCX Libraries.
/etc/pspc.conf or /usr/bin/pspc.conf